Bought a new bike!!!
Following my somewhat life-changing journey to Rishikesh, a lot of things turned out in ways I hadn't expected. Moving to another place, settling down in Delhi with family (trust me it's temporary), and buying a new bike. Yes!!! bought a new bike in August'19. This post is all about the time I bought my first new bike.
Leetcode | Solution of Palindrome Number in JavaScript
In this post, we will solve palindrome number problem from leetcode using a couple of methods and compare their time and space complexities. Let's begin.
Leetcode | Solution of Two Sum II in JavaScript
In this post, we will solve two sum II - input array is sorted problem from leetcode. Let's begin.
Rishikesh Trip | Where It All Started!!!
Where it all started!!!. I think this is the best I can describe that journey. My first solo trip, my first trip in fact. I had never traveled before just for the fun of it. Every place I had visited earlier was either for work or family obligations. This was my first trip for fun, for leisure, for me. My solo one day trip to Rishikesh
Leetcode | Solution of Reverse Integer in JavaScript
In this post, we will solve reverse integer problem from leetcode using a couple of methods and compare their time and space complexities. Let's begin.
Leetcode | Solution of Two Sum in JavaScript
In this post, we will solve two sum problem from leetcode using a couple of methods, compare their time and space complexities. Let's begin.
Stepping into the awe-inspiring world of Augmented Reality aka AR
We know about Virtual Reality and how it allows us to experience a completely different world, a "virtual" world of sorts. Augmented Reality, on the other hand, adds to our material surroundings. So how are AR and VR related? Lets have a look about AR and VR in this article.