Leetcode | Solution of implement strStr() in JavaScript
In this post, we will solve problem implement strStr() from leetcode and compute it's time and space complexities. Let's begin.
Problem Statement
The question can be found at leetcode implement strStr() problem.
The problem states that we are given a haystack(big string) and a needle(small string). We need to find the first index of the needle in the haystack.
Constraints and challenges
- Return
if the needle is empty - Return
if the needle is not present in the haystack - Playing with string length in for loops can be tricky
One funny solution is to use the indexOf
method. But we can't use that as that's the
method we need to implement .
The approach is very simple
- we will loop over haystack and for every index, check if the needle is equal to haystack substring from that index
- we can optimize this a bit as we don't need to loop till the end of the haystack, only till haystack length minus needle length as beyond that, there's not enough characters in the haystack to be equal to needle
- we will use the
method and simple equality operations to write the logic in the loop body
We have discussed the approach, I urge you to go ahead on leetcode and give it another try.
If you are here, it means something went wrong in implementation or you are just too lazy
var strStr = function (haystack, needle) {
if (needle.length === 0) return 0;
if (needle === haystack) return 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= haystack.length - needle.length; i++) {
if (needle === haystack.substring(i, i + needle.length)) {
return i;
return -1;
Let's look at the solution.
First, we handle two edge cases. If the needle is empty return 0
. If the needle
is equal to the haystack, no point in searching the haystack, so we return 0
the index in the haystack where the needle exists.
Next, we loop over the haystack but notice the condition in for loop. We are only
looping till haystack.length - needle.length
because as discussed above, that's
the last index where you can have a needle. In the body, we are checking for the
equality of needle and haystack substring.
In the end, if we could not find any match we return -1
On submission, here are the stats
Status: Accepted
Runtime: 52ms
Memory: 34MB
Time and space complexity
Time complexity
We are using a simple for loop to loop over the haystack, however, we are also using a substring method inside the loop with also has linear complexity, so complexity becomes O(n*m). where n is the length of haystack and m is the length of the needle
Space complexity
We are not using extra space, thus, space complexity would be O(1).
So, we solved the implement strStr() using a simple loop and substring method and finally, calculated the time and space complexities.
I hope you enjoyed solving this question. This is it for this one, complete source code for this post can be found on my Github Repo. Will see you in the next one.
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